Group Programmes
As a Health Psychologist I have extensive experience of developing and running programmes for people with particular health needs.
These programmes can be tailored to help people gain skills that put them ‘back in control’ of their health and improve their general well-being and quality of life – literally like putting the pieces together in a jigsaw.
I offer weekly group programmes for people who experience fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS/ME) or chronic pain. Group sessions can be a great source of support, not just from me, but from the other people in the group. Often, people will have really good ideas and suggestions that they can share with others.
Programmes can last between four and eight weeks and will often involve information giving, advice and tips on sleep, pacing yourself, relaxation (Mindfulness) and setting goals based on your own needs. Resources to accompany each week are provided.
Run from a friendly practice in Pershore, I can currently accommodate a ‘face-to-face’ small group of 5 people (to allow for social distancing). I can also travel to your own venue – you may prefer to use a workplace or community setting. Some restrictions may apply due to Covid-19 in order to keep us all safe.
Alternatively, the group programmes can be run ‘live’ virtually via video calling.
Please telephone or email to discuss your requirements or register interest for a forthcoming group.
Workshops can be planned as half or one day events and can be held at your own venue or workplace (current Covid-19 restrictions may apply).
Workshops planned for 2020-2021 with Dr Sue Peacock, Chartered Health Psychologist
'Living with the Menopause'
This workshop is appropriate for anyone who would like to understand more about the menopause, and develop some skills to help self-manage this time in every woman’s life.
'Self-Care for Health Professionals'
Healthcare professionals are often very good at looking after other people, and not so good at looking after themselves! This workshop is for healthcare professionals who would like to engage in some guided professional reflection and develop some practical skills that will help them in the future.
Please email or telephone to discuss your requirements and obtain more information.
Please note:
If you are at all concerned about being part of a group session, please do telephone or email for more information. It is not unusual for people to think “it’s not for me, I’m too anxious to take part”. I will always make sure that individuals feel safe and welcome, and it is always ok to be “the quiet one”. If you are more comfortable just listening, and not speaking, that’s absolutely fine!