Research and Development Services (R&D)
I am available to provide R&D consultancy services, with over 17 years’ experience working within the NHS in this role. I have particular expertise in qualitative research.
I have been a research Principle Investigator (PI) and have experience in writing grant applications for external funding.
Teaching and Supervision
I continue to collaborate with colleagues at a number of UK Universities, and mentor PhD students with their research work.
Supporting well-being
I contribute to the work of a number of UK national charities such as The National Rheumatoid Arthritis Society (NRAS) https://www.nras.org.uk/love-your-heart
“Love Your Heart” was an online interactive video programme that helped people with rheumatoid arthritis (or other forms of inflammatory arthritis) to understand and manage the increased risk of Cardio Vascular Disease (CVD) associated with RA/IA. The programme has been taken down temporarily as NRAS are in the process of creating a bigger and better e-learning experience for their members.
“Depression and Rheumatoid Arthritis”
Lupus UK is a national charity that supports people diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and other connective tissue diseases. They have close links with other Lupus charities worldwide https://www.lupusuk.org.uk/medical/lupus-diagnosis-treatment/clinical-aspects-of-lupus/depression/